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About us
The aim of the company is the development and industrial use of modern technologies for the extraction of natural components from plant sources to improve the quality of human life.
Using all the power of plants we turn them into pharmaceutical substances, dietary sublimates and healthy foods. Safety and quality of all stages of production, confidence and openness to partners is our policy.
History of the company began in the 90 years - period of renewal s views to the development of Russia and the formation of market relations. Search for his place in the market, expenses for the development have repeatedly called into question the possibility of the existence of the company.
However, when you look at the timeline you may get the impression that everything occurred according to a previously written business plan and authors have life and experience.

"You can no longer say that knowledge is one of the factors of development, it has become the only factor of development"
Peter Drucker, 1993
Only the search, education and training of highly competent stuff can ensure the steady development of the company through continuous improvement of technological solutions and finding of the breakthrough directions of
Spectrum of possibilities is huge: from obtaining non-dusting instant powders with an estimated delivery time to the release of individual active substances of plant origin.
Hard-line quality policy ensured the company recognition in the domestic market of the EASC. This was a key factor in entering international markets. At present the quality management system «HARMS»(PHARMS) is certified in accordance with the international standard ISO 9001: 2015 (GOST R ISO 9001: 2015). The registrar is the French company AFNOR. Task is certification according to the FSSC 22000 - system of the food safety management.

The production of pharmaceutical substances (API) is carried out on the basis of the License of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and its concordance with the Rules of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is confirmed by the Conclusion.
Over the long years of existence, strong ties have been established with many enterprises of our and neighboring countries.
The sphere of interests of our partners is the production of finished forms of pharmaceutical preparations, food products, the production of cosmetics and personal hygiene products, the production of biologically active additives (BAA) and sports nutrition, fortified foods for pets, and the production of alcoholic beverages.

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